Forest Ridge Men
Forest Ridge Men’s Ministry is focused on helping men grow as spiritual leaders. Our purpose is to grow men in relation to God, their wives, their families, and others.
Forest Ridge Women
Our desire as a women's ministry at Forest Ridge is to provide opportunities for our ladies to grow in their faith and knowledge of who God is, and to develop meaningful and lasting connections with one another as sisters in Christ.
Senior Adults Living Thoughtfully - S.A.L.T.
Our Forest Ridge S.A.L.T. Minitry is for those who are 55+. We are a community of seasoned adults seeking Jesus, our local communuty and outreach opportunities.
Ridge Moms
Ridge Moms is an opportunity for moms with kids of all ages to gather together, fellowship, and support one another. Ridge Moms meets the 1st Saturday of every month, beginning September 7th.